التحالف الأوروبي لمناصرة أسرى فلسطين يتوج حملته برسالة موقع من 557 مؤسسة في 46دولة

عبد الناصر عوني فروانة

كتب عبد الناصر فروانة  الباحث المختص بشؤون الأسرى الفلسطينيين على صفحته "الفيسبوك": (557) مؤسسة واتحاد وشخصية اعتبارية وأعضاء في البرلمانات الأوروبية في (46) دولة، في (6) قارات، شاركوا في الحملة الدولية التي أطلقها التحالف الأوروبي لمناصرة أسرى فلسطين ووقعوا على النداء الذي وجه قبل يومين الى الأمين العام للأمم المتحددة والعديد من المؤسسات الدولية (مرفق كملف بعدة لغات).

وقال فروانة وهو ناشط في التحالف الأوروبي لمناصرة أسرى فلسطين: أن هذه تعتبر الحملة الدولية الأوسع ولربما تكون الأهم في ظل جائحة "كورونا"، والمشاركة الأوروبية الواسعة من قبل المؤسسات والشخصيات وأعضاء البرلمانات.وأن ما تحقق اليوم هو تتويج لهد كبير بذله لجان وأعضاء وأصدقاء التحالف لنصرة الأسرى

واضاف: كل الاحترام للأصدقاء والزملاء في التحالف الأوروبي لمناصرة أسرى فلسطين على هذا الجهد الرائع والمتميز خلال الحملة التي انطلقت قبل أسبوعين تقريبا وبلغات عديدة أبرزها: العربية، انجليزية، سويدية، فرنسية، ألمانية، اسبانية.

ودعا فروانة الى استثمار ما تحقق والاستمرار في التواصل مع من شارك ووقع، والبناء على ما أنجز لتحقيق المزيد من الدعم والمناصرة لأسرى فلسطين.




On the Day of the Palestinian prisoners, Save the lives of the Palestinian prisoners!

To the Secretary General of the United Nations!

To the World Health Organization!

To the High Commissioner for Human Rights!

To the European Commission!

To all governments, parliaments, political parties, civil societies and human rights institutions!

Each of us has been subjected to turmoil and voluntary and forced isolation for weeks. About 5,000 females and males are prisoned by the Israeli occupation and suffer far more than we know. Children (180), women (41), and elderly with chronic diseases such as diabetes, respiratory diseases and blood pressure (700) are directly exposed to Covid-19.

The occupation authorities, even though some of the prisoners are infected with Covid-19, still refuse to provide detainees with tools and precautions, including masks, sterilizers, or preventive tests.

Through the efforts of the European Alliance committees deployed in the world and many activists and friends, we were able to collect 557 signatures for Arab and international institutions, associations, unions, events, and Arab and international figures and members of European parliaments.

Here, we once again extend our deep thanks and high appreciation to everyone who supported this global campaign, which has reached more than (46) countries from six continents. We also extend our greetings and thanks to all the media in Palestine, which covered the campaign and covered its news

We are in the European coalition to support the prisoners of Palestine, and with the approach of the Palestinian Prisoner Day 4/17 we confirm the following:

  1. Perform an investigation on the prisoners suspected of being infected.
  2. Sending objective medical committees, especially from the Red Cross and the World Health Organization, to prisons to verify the measures taken to protect prisoners from the dangers of Covid-19.
  3. The immediate release of the prisoners, especially the sick prisoners, the elderly, children and women, especially those at risk of infection.
  4. Providing communication mechanisms between the prisoner, his family and his lawyer and never leaving the victims for the occupation.
  5. Improving transportation for hospitals and providing the necessary medical services to prisoners.

We appeal to you to stand together in order to defend the prisoners of Palestine behind the bars of the occupation prisons and not to let them be left alone as a prey of the violence and the brutality of the occupation. Freedom for prisoners in occupation prisons.   Brussels 27-3-2020


بمناسبة يوم الأسير الفلسطيني وفي ظل تفشي وباء الكورونا،

أنقذوا حياة الأسرى الفلسطينيين!

إلى الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة

الى منظمة الصحة العالمية

الى المفوض السامي لحقوق الإنسان

الى المفوضية الأوروبية

وإلى  كل الحكومات والبرلمانات والأحزاب السياسية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني ومؤسسات حقوق الإنسان!


كما يتعرض كل منا، بسبب تفشي الكورونا، للاضطراب وللعزل الطوعي والقسري  منذ أسابيع، يعاني حوالي 5000 أسيرة وأسير في سجون الاحتلال الإسرائيلي أكثر بكثير مما نعرفه . فالأسرى وخاصة الأطفال (180) والنساء (41) والشيوخ والمرضى بأمراض مزمنة (700) مثل السكري وأمراض الجهاز التنفسي وضغط الدم معرضين مباشرة للإصابة القاتلة بهذا المرض.  وما زالت سلطات الإحتلال وبالرغم من إصابة بعض السجانين بفايروس كورونا ترفض توفير الأدوات والإجراءات الإحتياطية للمعتقلين سواء من كمامات او معقمات او فحوصات وقائية.

اننا كمؤسسات مجتمع مدني  (557 مؤسسة) متواجدة في 46 دولة وناشطة في القارات الست وبمناسبة يوم الأسير الفلسطيني 17/4  نطالب بما يلي:


1- إجراء فحوصات على الأسرى المشتبه بإصابتهم.

2- ارسال لجان طبية محايدة وخاصة من الصليب الاحمر ومنظمة الصحة العالمية الى السجون للتأكد من الاجراءات المتخذة لحماية الاسرى من خطر كورونا.

3- الإفراج عن الأسرى وخاصة المرضى وكبار السن والاطفال والسيدات وخاصة المعرضين منهم للاصابة القاتلة.

4- توفير آليات التواصل ما بين الاسير وعائلته ومحاميه.

5-تحسين وسائل النقل للمستشفيات وتأمين الخدمات الطبية اللازمة للأسرى.

ندعوكم للوقوف معا من أجل الدفاع عن أسرى فلسطين خلف قضبان سجون الإحتلال وعدم تركهم وحدهم فريسة لعنف وعنجهية الإحتلال.


الحرية لأسرى الحرية في سجون الإحتلال!


بروكسل 13-04-2020


Appel urgent

Sauvons  la vie des prisonniers palestiniens !

À tous les gouvernements, les parlements et les organisations de la société civile et des droits de l’Homme dans le Monde,

          Nous sommes tous en période de perturbation et de confinement volontaire ou contraint mais  les 5000 prisonniers et prisonnières palestiniens se trouvent dans une situation plus catastrophique que nous. Des centaines d’enfants, des personnes âgées, des femmes et des malades chroniques  (diabète et maladies respiratoires) courent plus le risque d’une  éventuelle propagation de CODIV 19. En effet, l’autorité pénitentiaire israélienne refuse de fournir les matériels de prévention aux prisonniers comme les masques, les produits désinfectants et les tests préventifs.

          Nous, les associations signataires de cet appel urgent en Europe ou ailleurs demandons :

  1. L’envoi de délégations médicales indépendantes, surtout de  la Croix-Rouge internationale et de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé en vue de vérifier les mesures prises contre la propagation de l’épidémie dans les prisons.
  2.  Que des  tests soient réalisés sur les prisonniers soupçonnés  d’être touchés.
  3. La libération immédiate des prisonniers et particulièrement des malades, des personnes âgées, des enfants et des femmes.
  4. Que les contacts entre les prisonniers, leurs familles et leurs avocats soient préservés.
  5. L’amélioration, pour les prisonniers, des moyens de déplacement entre les prisons et les centres médicaux

Nous vous appelons à agir  pour défendre les droits des prisonniers palestiniens à la vie et à ne pas les laisser seuls devant l’aveuglement répressif de l’occupant.

Liberté pour les prisonniers palestiniens

Rette das Leben der palästinensischen Gefangenen!


An alle Regierungen, Parlamente, politischen Parteien, Zivilgesellschaften und Menschenrechtsinstitutionen!


Jeder von uns ist seit Wochen Turbulenzen und freiwilliger und erzwungener Isolation ausgesetzt. Ungefähr 5.000 Frauen und Männer sind von der israelischen Besatzung inhaftiert und leiden weit mehr als wir wissen. Hunderte von Kindern, Frauen und ältere Menschen mit chronischen Krankheiten wie Diabetes, Atemwegs- und Blutdruckerkrankungen, sind Covid-19 direkt ausgesetzt.


Trotz der Tatsache, dass einige der Gefangenen mit Covid-19 infiziert sind, weigert sich die Besatzungsbehörde, den Häftlingen Instrumentelle und Schutzmaßnahmen wie Masken, Sterilisatoren oder vorbeugende Tests zur Verfügung zu stellen.


Wir als Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft, die auf dem gesamten europäischen Kontinent, im Heimatland und in der Diaspora leben, fordern Folgendes:

  1. Entsendung objektiver medizinischer Komitees, insbesondere des Roten Kreuzes und der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, an Gefängnisse, um die Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Gefangenen vor den Gefahren von Covid-19 zu überprüfen.
  2.  Es müssen Untersuchungen der Gefangenen durchgeführt werden, bei denen der Verdacht auf eine Infektion besteht.
  3. Die sofortige Freilassung der Gefangenen, insbesondere der erkrankten Gefangenen, der älteren Menschen, der Kinder und Frauen, insbesondere der infektionsgefährdeten Personen.
  4. Bereitstellung von Kommunikationsmechanismen zwischen dem Gefangenen, seiner Familie und seinem Anwalt. Die Gefangenen brauchen in dieser Situation jegliche Unterstützung.
  5. Vereinfachung der Verlegung in die Krankenhäuser und Bereitstellung der erforderlichen medizinischen Dienstleistungen für Gefangene.


Wir appellieren an Sie, zusammenzustehen, um die Gefangenen Palästinas hinter den Gittern der Besatzungsgefängnisse zu verteidigen und sie nicht als Beute der Gewalt und der Brutalität der Besatzung allein zu lassen. Freiheit für Gefangene in den Besatzungsgefängnissen. Brüssel 27-3-2020 Unterschrift: -

Brüssel, den 17.4.2020



Europäische Allianz für die Solidarität mit den paläst. Gefangenen


¡Salvemos la vida de los prisioneros palestinos!

A todos los gobiernos, parlamentos, partidos políticos, asociaciones de la sociedad civil y organismos de derechos humanos:Cada uno de nosotros sufre intranquilidad y aislamiento voluntario u obligatorio por la amenaza del Covid-19.

Desde hace mucho tiempo más de 5000 prisioneros palestinos en las cárceles del Estado ocupante israelí sufren mucho más de lo que conocemos.Centenares de niños, mujeres, ancianos y enfermos afectados por patologías crónicas como la diabetes, enfermedades respiratorias o de la presión arterial, son los más vulnerables ante esta pandemia. Las autoridades carcelarias israelíes, a pesar de que varios carceleros están infectados, se niega a garantizar medidas preventivas, como uso de barbijos, medidas de desinfección y pruebas preventivas.

Como sociedades civiles en Palestina y la diáspora, exigimos lo siguiente:

1- Enviar comisiones médicas imparciales de instituciones como la Cruz Roja Internacional y la Organización Mundial de la Salud a las cárceles israelíes para verificar y garantizar todas las medidas necesarias para proteger a los prisioneros del peligro de contagio con Covid-19;

2- Hacer exámenes en todos los casos de sospecha de infección con este virus;

3- Liberar a los prisioneros especialmente los enfermos, los ancianos, los niños y mujeres, especialmente aquellos que son vulnerables.

4- Garantizar los mecanismos de comunicación entre el prisionero, su familia y su abogado;

5- Mejorar los medios de traslado a los hospitales y garantizar la atención médica adecuada.

Llamamos a defender a los prisioneros palestinos y a no dejarlos solos, víctimas  de la violencia en las cárceles de la ocupación.

¡Libertad para los prisioneros de la libertad!

Bruselas 17de abril de 2020


Rädda livet på palestinska fångar

Till alla regeringar, parlament, politiska partier, civila samhällen och rättighets institutioner.


Var och en av oss har utsatts för oroligheter i nuläget och sedan har vi tvingats att isolera oss i veckor. Runt 5000 män och kvinnor är fängslade av den israeliska ockupationen och de lider mer än vad vi kan ana oss. Hundratals barn, kvinnor och äldre med kroniska sjukdomar, såsom diabetes och högt blodtryck kommer att utsättas för Covid-19.


Trots att det finns fångar som har blivit smittade av Covid-19, vägrar israeliska ockupationen att lämna över försiktighetsåtgärder. Såsom maskar, sterilisering eller förebyggande kontroller. Som det civila samhällets organisation som presenterar och agerar i hela den europeiska kontinenten, hemlandet och diasporan, kräver följande:


1. Skicka objektiva medicinska kommitteer, speciellt från Red Cross och The World Health Organization, till fångar för att verifiera åtgärderna för att skydda dem mot faran som är Covid-19.

2. Genomföra utredningar för dem som misstänks bära på sjukdomen.

3. Att frisläppa de sjuka- äldre, barn och kvinnor, speciellt de som också har kroniska sjukdomar som gör att de lätt kan få Covid-19.

4. Tillhandahålla kommunikationen mellan fången, hans/hennes familj och hans/hennes advokat, och aldrig lämna kvar offren till ockupationen.

5. Förbättra transporter för sjukhus och tillhandahålla nödvändiga medicinska tjänster till fångar.


Vi vädjar till dig och står tillsammans för att försvara palestinska fångar bakom galler av ockupationen och inte lämna de försvarslösa mot våldet. Frihet för fångar i ockupation fängelser.


Brussels 17.4.2020


Европейский альянс в поддержку палестинских пленных

Спасайте жизни палестинских пленных!

Всем правительствам, парламентам, политическим партиям, общественным организациям по защите прав человека!

В это непростое время, пандемии коронавируса, каждый из нас  сильно переживает за себя, за своих близких. Весь мир вынужден жить в режиме самоизоляции, но есть люди, которые находятся в тюрьмах  Израиля. Это - палестинцы, политические заключенные, их в тюрьмах более 5000 человек: женщины, дети, старики. Мы сочувствуем  им, они страдают гораздо больше, так как лишены необходимой медицинской помощи. Про них просто забыли, а ведь среди них есть больные с хроническими заболеваниями, диабетом, признаками ОРВИ. Эти люди в группе риска, но оккупационные власти, по-прежнему, несмотря на заражение некоторых работников тюрем коронавирусом, отказываются представлять пленным  средства первой необходимости: одноразовые медицинские маски, антисептики, препараты ИВЛ.

Мы, общественные организации, присутствующие и активно действующие на европейском континенте, а также на Родине и в диаспоре призываем:

1.  Посылать нейтральные медицинские комитеты, особенно со стороны Красного Креста и Всемирнной организации здравоохранения, для того, чтобы убедиться в принятых мерах по защите пленных от опасности заражения коронавирусом;

2. Взять тест на коронавирус у заключенных, которые входят в группу риска;

3. Освободить больных пленных, а также  стариков, детей и женщин, которые подвергаются риску заболеть COVID19;

4. Обеспечить механизмы связи между пленными и их семьями, а также их  адвокатами.

5. Улучшить обеспечение медицинским транспортом для перевоза больных в госпитали и гарантировать получение необходимых медицинских  услуг заключенным.

Призываем всех выступить вместе в защиту пленных Палестины, томящихся за решёткой тюрем Израиля и не оставить их в одиночестве, чтобы они не оказались жертвой насилия и произвола оккупантов.

Свободу пленным в тюрмах израильские оккупантов!

Брюссель 17-4-2020



Signatures:     الموقعون





الجمعيات والجاليات والمؤسسات الدولية      International Associations



1- Unión Palestina de América Latina (UPAL) y sus asociaciones:

2- Casa Palestina, Argentina

3- Sociedade Palestina de Brasília, Brasil

4- Instituto Brasil Palestina (IBRASPAL)

5- Unión Árabe de Cuba

 6- Asociación Salvadoreña Palestina

7- Asociación Comunidad Palestina Guatemala

8 - Asociación Al-Nakba, Venezuela

9- Juventud Chileno Árabe de Valdivia por Palestina, Chile

10- Comunidad Palestina de Chile

11- Fundación Cultural Colombo Palestina, Colombia

12- Comunidad Colombo Palestina, Colombia

13- Fundación Centro Cultural Colombo Árabe Al-Awda, Colombia

14- Fundación Encuentro Cultural Colombo Árabe, Colombia

15- Asociación Árabe Guatemalteca

16- Movimiento Venezolano de Solidaridad con Palestina - Al Awda -, Venezuela

17- Unión de Jóvenes Palestinos en Venezuela (UJPV)

18- Asociación de Socorro al Pueblo Palestino – CANAAN -, Venezuela

19- Observatorio por el Cierre de la Escuela de las América, Chile

20- Agrupación de Familiares de Ejecutados Políticos, Chile

21- Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca, Colombia


23- Myriam De Ly Consultez le nouveau site Charleroi pour la Palestine, régulièrement mis à jour

24- Christine van Nieuwenhuyse Vice Presidente APNU

25- Alexis Deswaef vice-président de la FIDH (Fédération internationale pour les droits humains)"

26- Union des progressistes juifs en Belgique

27- La Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine/ Belgique

28- L'association Belgo-Palestinienne - ABP

29- Pierre Galand, Président de l'ABP et ancien sénateur

30- michel Staszewski

31- Netherlands Palestine Committee

32- European Association for Social Studies and International Cooperation Amani

33- Commission of Spanish Deputies in support of Palestinian prisoners

34- Association of Progressive Lawyers, Union of Arab Writers and Journalists of Spain

35- Podemos Party

36- Communist Party of Spain

37- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain

38- Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Spain

39- Left Green Party

40- Spanish-Palestinian Community in Spain

41- PTB - Parti de Travail en Belgique

42- Luc Vancauwenberge – parlementaire

43- Andre Flahaut- parlamentaire belge

44- Jan Busseken – parlementaire

45- Comité Verviers-Palestine

46- Médecine Pour le Peuple - Belgique

47-Lou Callewaert / Parti de Travail en Belgique

48- Victor Matteucci / EURO-MEDITIRENNANEAN

49- Pierre, pour l'ABP LLN

50- association belgo-palestinienne de Louvain-La-Neuve

51- UJFP – France

52- Diputado ( pilar Garrido )UP

53- Mertxa Aizpurua EH,Bildu, Diputada

54- Gorka el jabrrieta ,Bildu Senador

55- NESTOR REGO ,diputado ( bolque Nacionalista Gaĺlego )

56- Association Internationale des Juristes Démocrates /AIJD

57- Mouvement Citoyens Palestine –Belgique

58- Jean-François Larosière -France

59- Claude LANGLET, France

60- AFPS Nord-Pas de Calais-France

61- Marc BOTENGA- Parlementaire européen

62- Eric Jourdan- Conseiller communal / Belgique

63- Jean-Louis Mignot/ Belgique

64- Maggio Frans/ Belgique

65- Raymond Saublains/ Belgique

66- Françoise Tirions/ Belgique

67- Pierre Hannick/ Belgique

68- Bruxelles Panthères/ Belgique

69- Kabirou Oumarou/ Belgique

70- Anna-Maria Brauers/ Belgique

71- Jean-Pierre Monseur/ Belgique

72- Laurence Mekhitarian/ Belgique

73- Véronique Bertrand / Belgique

74- Anne Dombrecht/ Belgique

75- Michel Nejszaten/ Belgique

76- Josiane Caes/ Belgique

77- Léo Tubbax/ Belgique

78- Elisabeth Dubois/ Belgique

79- Vzw Sillam Music for Dignity-Association / Belgique

80- Sylvie Grawez/ Belgique

81-PJPO- BW/ Belgique

82- INTAl – association/ Belgique

83- Hamel Puissant- animateur-formateur-Belgique

84- Gauche anticapitaliste- Belgique

85- Georges BRAIVE-Belgique

86- La Clac- collectif - Belgique

87- Alice Mertens- Belgique

88- BOTENGA Marc Johan- Belgique

89- Daniel Dekkers-PJPO/Mazerine - Belgique

90- Ahmed Raihane -Belgique

91- Jean-Guy Greilsamer-France

92- Emmanuelle Franck -Belgique

93- Dominique Waroquiez-ABP -Belgique

94- Catherine Beaugier -Belgique

95- Slavtsho velkov, chairman of the association of bulgarian palestinian friendship-Bulgaria

96- Matthias Jochheim (IPPNW) Frankfurt/ Germany

97- Sassia Daaou- Belgique

98- Martin Breidert - Germany

99- Deutsche Kommunistische Partei-Germany

100- Palästina /Nahost Initiative Heidelberg

101- Sabine Farouh unterschreibt im Namen KOPI- Germay

102- Michel Brouyaux-Belgique


103- Renée Mousset - Belgique

104- Anne-Marie El-Najjar-Belgique

105- Anne-Lise Franssen-Belgique

106- Benjamin Ladraa, Gothenburg – Sweden

107- André Verlaine Coordination Namuroise Belgique-Palestinienne - Belgique

108- Judith Bernstein, München/ Germany

109- Annette Groth MDB, Ad.- Germany

110- Dr. Dieter und Eva Lehmann ( Deutsch- Palästinensische Gesellschaft-Hamburg/ Germany

111- Norbert Jost-Berlin/ Gemany

112- Patei DIE LINKE-Niederschsen/"Gerechter Frieden in Nahost"  (Germany)

113- Anne Wuiwui - Belgique

114- association -Belgique

115- Marianne Samray-Belgique

116- Catty Mayer-Belgique

117- Plateforme Watermael-Boitfort-Palestine

118- Daniel Dekkers-PJPO/Mazerine-Belgique

119- Ahmed Raihane -Belgique

120- Dominique Waroquiez-ABP -Belgique

121- Jean-Guy Greilsamer-France

122- DPG-Regionalgruppe Kassel/ Germany

123- Angela Krause Sprecherkreis SALAM SHALOM Arbeitskreis Palästina-Israel e.V. München

124- Günter Schenk Strasbourg, France

125- Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia) President, Vesna Konigsknecht

126- BDS-Bonn-Heinz Assenmacher

127- Dr. Ulrich Kammer-Laubach/ Germany

128- Perrine 0lff-Rastegar -Strasbourg/ France

129- Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine (cjacp)- France

130- Helmut Käss Tulpenweg-Braunschweig/ Germany

131- Palestina Solidariteit-association Belgiqu

132- Nabil Boukili Député fédéral à la chambre, effectif en commission de justice, et en commission des relations extérieures

133- Marlene Stripecke - Germany

134- Claudia Karas, Frankfurt am Main

135- Erhard Arendt - Palästina Portal-Dortmund/ Germany

136- Juan Luis González Pérez (Cádiz) Andalucía Analista Internaciona

137- World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union

138- Frente Antiimperialista Internacinalista   

139- Democratic Student Federation PAKISTAN

140- Democratic Youth Front PAKISTAN

141- Naghma iqtidar Democratic youth front joint secretary / Pakistan

142- Communist Party of Australia - Youth Australia

143- Mir Saqib Khurshid Chairperson Democratic Students Federation Pakistan


145- Julien Liradelfo -Parlementair Belge

146- Movimiento de Apoyo a Siria - Spain

147- Siriaren Alde (Euskal Herria)

148- Ojos para la Paz (International organization

149- Frente Antimperialista Internacionalista (Spanish State)

150- Solidaridad Aragón-Donbass (Spanish State)

151- Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation

152- Communist youth union, Czech republic


153- Thérèse Beaupain- Belgique


154- Attack AK Globalisierung und Krieg- Germany

155- Secretario general (JERÒNIMO DE SOUSA) / Partido comunista portuguès

( PCP)


156- collectivos de solidarido con el pueplo palestino de la region de MURICA

157- Ángela Vallina de la Noval. Dni 11395198D. I’m deputy in the Asturias parlament

158- Russian-Arab Cultural Center Russia

159- Prof. Abdelhamid Siyam /USA

160-Partido por la izquierda ,los verdes . ESPAŃA

161- PRC-- partitoDe La Rifondazione Comunista ( Italia )

162. NGL, Nordic Green left ( Grupo cnfederal de la izquierda ,unitaria Europea)-Spain

163-Gesellschaft Schweiz-Palästina (GSP)-Switzerland

164-Communist Youth Union of Spain (UJCE)

165- Palestinian American Council / Louisiana

166- Palestinian American Council/ Chicago

167- Palestinian American Community Center - PACC- Arizona

168- Americans & Palestinians for Peace

169- Palestinian Democratic Coalition

170- Palestinian American Youth Guild

171- Palestinian American Women Association

172- Jerusalem Center/ Greater Chicago

173- Palestinian American Athletics Association

175- Humanitarian Relief Foundation

176- Palestinian Help Association - Detroit

177- Peace for Children

178- Dallas Palestine Coalition

179- Tawfiq Barqawi Vice Chair ADC National Board

180- Jan Fermon/ Secretary General of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers

181- Professor Bill Bowring FAcSS, Barrister Birkbeck College, University of London

182- Portuguese Association of Democratic Jurists supports

183- Asociación Venezolana de Juristas

184- Democratic lawyers association of Pakistan

185-Italian democratic lawyers

186- National Association of Democratic lawyers (South Africa

187- Asociación Americana de Juristas (AAJ) Vanessa Ramos/ President

188- the endorsement of the National Lawyers Guild (U.S.)

189- Henning Süssner Rubin Folkhögskolerektor/Folk High School Principal- Sweden

190- Chistian Juhl- Member of the Parliament of Denmark

191- Ana Süssner Rubin, första suppleant för Vänsterpartiet i Europaparlamentet

192- Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

193- Malcolm Momodou Jallow- member of the Parliament of Sweden


194- Tjatte Hedlund/ Vänsterpartiet-Sweden

195- Brigitta Ehilin/ left Party-Sweden


196- rassemblement palestinien en France


197- Association les enfants oubliés

198- Anders Kjellström Assistent professor of Law/Sweden

199- Maaike Vossenberg-Holland

200- Jusice 4 Palestine-Amesterdam

201- Human Rights Defenders / Hebron-Holland

202- The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers


Signatures Arabs institutions, associations, unions, and communities: المؤسسات والجمعيات والاتحادات والجاليات والأحزاب العربية

203- The European Alliance to support the prisoners of Palestine

204- Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority, Palestine

205- The Center for Defending Liberties and Civil Rights

206- Al-Dameer Association for Prisoner Care and Human Rights

207- The Palestinian Prisoner Club

208- Abu Jihad Center for Prisoner Movement Affairs - Al-Quds University

209- The High Authority for the Follow-up of the Affairs of Prisoners and Editors - Ramallah

210- Mandela Foundation for Human Rights and Prisoners and Detainees Affairs-Palestine

211 - The popular campaign for the freedom of Commander Marwan Barghouti

212 - The popular campaign for the freedom of Commander Ahmed Saadat

213- Kifah Movement - Kufrkna Palestine 48

214- Al-Qudh Al-Quds Foundation for the Martyrs, Prisoners, and Injured - Palestine

215- Khayyam Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims / Lebanon

216- The International Foundation for Solidarity with Prisoners in Occupation Prisons

217- Al-Haq / Palestine

218- Palestine Prison Center for Studies

219- Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Strategic Studies _ Pathways

220- Violence against Children Accountability Association / Palestine

221- Ministry of Prisoners and Editors - Gaza Strip

222- The General Federation of Palestine Workers

223- Vigilance Committee for Democracy in Tunisia

224- Palestinian Writers Union in the Arab Maghreb ... the official headquarters in Algeria

225- The Palestinian community in Belgium and Luxembourg

226- The Palestinian community - Germany

227- The Palestinian Democratic Forum in Europe

228- The Federation of Palestinian Communities, Institutions and Events in Europe

229- Palestinian European Conference

230- The General Union of Communities and Institutions in Europe

231- The German-Palestinian Women's Union

232- The Martyrs, Prisoners and Injured Commission - Fatah / Gaza Strip

233- Jerusalem Center for Economic and Social Rights

234- The National Coalition for Human Rights - Jerusalem

235- The Palestinian community in Kiev

236- The Palestinian community in Odessa

237- Arab House in Ukraine

238- Palestinian-Ukrainian Friendship Association

239- The Palestinian Workers and Workers Union, Greece

240- The Palestinian Cultural Center in Greece

241- The Palestinian-Romanian Cultural Center

242- Palestinian Development Women's Studies Association, Palestine

243- The International Commission for the Support of the Rights of the Palestinian People (Rally)

244- The coordinator of Khamis Al-Asrai, the Committees and Popular Associations bring together the Palestinian People's Party

245- The Palestinian community in Dortmund

246- The National Committee for Jordanian Prisoners and Missing Persons in Zionist Prisons

247- The Committee of the Families of the Missing and Prisoners of the Zionist Occupation

248- The Palestinian Friendship Union in Wuppertal

249- Palestinian Arab Front in Lebanon

250- Global Campaign Coordinator for the Support of Palestine and Nation Issues / Maan Bashour

251- President of Bushra Development Society .. Beirut Al-Hadd

252- Lebanese Association for Confronting Normalization - General Coordinator

253- Al-Zaitouna Association for Childhood and Development - Palestine

254- The Palestinian community in Cologne

255- Right to return committees / Denmark

256- The Palestinian Democratic Assembly / Denmark

257- The Federation of Palestinian Associations, Institutions and Events / Copenhagen

258- The Refugee Rights Center coordinator is returning

259- Palestinian Central Council / Germany

260- International Center for Supporting Rights and Freedoms / Geneva - Switzerland

261- Palestine Liberation Front - Lebanon

262- The Arab Network for Food Sovereignty

263- Arab Organization for Nature Protection

264- World Popular Alliance for Food Sovereignty

265- Follow-up committee to support the issue of Lebanese detainees in Israeli prisons, Lebanon

266- Aman Network for Rehabilitation and Defense of Human Rights - Morocco

267- The Palestinian Democratic Union arrived in Lebanon

268- Arab Liberation Front, Lebanon camps

269- Bahrain Society for Resisting Normalization against the Israeli Enemy

270- The secretariat of the Fatah movement and the PLO factions / Beirut

271- Ajyal Center for Documentation and Studies / Sweden

272- The Swedish Palestinian Center in Helsingborg / Sweden

273- Palestinian Cultural Association in Västerås / Sweden

274- Group 194 / Sweden

275- Palestinian Handala Association, Sweden / Sweden

276- Palestinian Women Association / Sweden

277- The Palestinian Democratic Assembly in the Netherlands

278- The Solidarity Association for Social and Cultural Development - Lebanon

279-Palestinian Women's Democratic Organization / Lebanon

280- The Palestinian community in southern Norway

281- Al-Wafa Party in Lebanon

282- Palestinian Help Association - Lebanon

283- The International Forum in Support of Resistance and Anti-Imperialism / Unionist Muhammad al-Qasim

284- Islamic Action Association "Amal" - Bahrain

285- Palestinian Women Union - Tripoli

286- Tunis Workers Party - France Branch

287- Sharia Bar Association - Gaza

288- Belgian Labor Party

289- Palestinian Writers Union in Syria

290- The Nakba Association - Venezuela

291-General Union of Palestinian Women - Lebanon Branch

292- Palestinian Women's Union, Belgium

293- Arab National Conference / Secretary General

294- The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine - Lebanon

295- Fatah Intifada Movement / Assistant Secretary-General Adly Al-Khatib

296- Palestinian People's Party - Lebanon

297- Youth Association Al-Hoda - Lebanon

298- Gathering popular committees and links in Lebanon

299- General Federation of Palestinian Workers, Netherlands branch

300- Federation of Arab Societies in Sweden

301- Al Noor Foundation for Culture and Information in Sweden

302- Aid association with the hands of the Syrian Malmo Sweden

303- Arab Women Union in Norway

304- Palestinian Women's Association, Norway

305- Arab Democrats and Progressives Gather in Belgium

306- The Belgian Palestinian Society - Liege Branch

307- Palestinian Association for Human Rights and the Right of Return - Germany –

308- The International Foundation for Solidarity with Prisoners in Israeli Occupation Prisons

309- The Iraqi Social and Cultural Center in Christian Stade - Sweden

310- Vision Foundation for Culture, Malmö, Sweden

311- Association for Art and Knowledge, Malmö, Sweden

312- The Palestinian Caucus in Germany

313- The Palestinian House Berlin

314- Center for Human Development lebanon

315- Tomorrow's Social and Cultural Association - Lebanon

316- Palestinian Cultural Center in lebanon

317- Four Colors Association / Sweden

318- Freedom and Justice Center in Malmö / Sweden

319- Peace Association Turkmen Iraq Sweden

320- Berlin River Association

321- Jerusalem Cultural Forum – Berlin

322. The Socialist Democratic Vanguard Party / Morocco

323- Palestine Democratic Committees - Berlin

324- Association for the Advancement of the Palestinian Worker

325- The founding body of the Palestinian community in Cyprus

326- The Department of Martyrs and Prisoners-Fida Party / Palestine

327- Palestinian community in the Netherlands

328- Association of the Family Forum / Sweden

329- Palestinian House Association / Sweden

330- Gaza Youth and Development Association

331- The Gaza Dates and Palm Association

332- Gaza Children Association - Palestine

333- Al Salam Charitable Society, Willers Makers Association

334- Central Workers Kinetic Office - Palestine

335- Association for the Advancement of the Palestinian Worker - Gaza

336. National Working Group for Palestine, - Morocco

337- Freedom Center for Media Palestine - Gaza

338- The Palestinian Institute for Communication and Development - Palestine

339- The International March of Women .. Tunis Branch 139

340- Uncle Khamis loved ones association .. Kerkennah Tunisia

341- The Good Caravans Association - Gaza-

342- Political and Moral Guidance Authority - Gaza

343- Peace Charitable Association - Gaza

344- The Will Makers Association - Gaza

145- Afaq Society for Community Development - Gaza

346- Nebras Community Society - Gaza

347- Qattouf Al-Khair Society - Gaza

348- Association for the Advancement of the Palestinian Worker - Gaza

349- Watan Youth Team - Gaza

350- Hanan Association for Culture and Community Development / Gaza

351- Palestinian Women Development Association, Palestine, Gaza Strip

352- Palestine Land Studies Association for Development and Affiliation / Tunisia

353- Masarat Center for Philosophical and Humanitarian Studies / Tunis

354- The International Conference for Solidarity Participation Struggle with the Palestinian People / Tunis

355- The Palestinian community in Latvia / Ukraine

357- The Popular Current Party / Tunisia

358-Spanish Committee of the European Alliance for the Prisoners of Palestine

359-European Society for Social Studies and International Cooperation (AMANI)

360-Palestinian Home / Madrid

361-Jerusalem Society / Madrid

362-The Palestinian Community Association of Catalonia

363-Progressive Lawyers Association Spain

364-  Federation of Arab Writers and Journalists-Spain

365-  Palestinian National Action Forum - Madrid

366- National Labor Authority - Spain

367- Justice Center in Sweden / Sweden

368- Netherlands Coordination Committee for the European Coalition to Advance Prisoners of Palestine

369- Belgian Labor Party

370- Palestinian Women's Union - Belgium

371-Palestinian Help Association - Palestine

372-Tulkarem  Wasel Youth Development Center

373-Health Care Federation-Palestine

374- Al-Ghad Democratic Youth Association / Bethlehem

375- Promise Association for Development / Bethlehem

376-Future Society / Jenin

377-Mothers School / Nablus

378- The Cultural Forum Center / Beit Annan

379 - German Palestinian Youth Association

380- Netherlands Returnees Group

381- German-Palestinian Friendship Association / Dusseldorf

382- Palestinian German Federation

383- North Tower Camp Association -

384- Berlin Coordination Committee of the European Alliance for the Advancement of Prisoners of Palestine

385- Palestinian German Women Association - Nada

386- European Palestinian Youth Union Berlin

387- The National Committee for the Support of Prisoners - Nablus - Palestine

388- The Arab Party in the Left Party / Malmö-Sweden

389- Association Asafra Europe

390- The Palestinian community in Koblenz and its environs - Germany

391- Tomorrow Foundation in the Netherlands -

392- The Palestinian Engineers Union, North Rhine-Westphalia branch

393. The Jordanian People's Democratic Party

394. The Jordanian Communist Party

395- The Popular Unity Party, Jordan

396- National Movement Party / Jordan

397- The Baath Socialist Party / Jordan

398- The Nasser Forum / Jordan

399- Progressive Baath Party / Jordan

400- Anti-Zionist Association / Jordan

401- The Supreme Committee for Countering Normalization / Jordan

402- The Higher Committee for the Right of Return / Jordan

403- The National Forum of Nationalist and Left Forces, Parties and Personalities / Jordan

404- The Qalam Family Cultural Club / Jordan

405- Palestinian Yarmouk Syrian Relief Society / Sweden

406- The General Union of Palestinian Literature and Writers - Syria Branch

407- Federation of Palestinian Engineers, Germany

408. The General Union of Palestinian Women – Germany

409. The Vigilance Committee for Democracy in Tunisia

410- International Cultural Network Association for Palestine

411- The Democratic Approach / Morocco is the deputy general secretary of the assembly

412- Tunisian Communist Youth Union

413- Moroccan Association for Human Rights

414- Tunisian Equality Organization, Labor Party Tunisia

415- Palestinian NGO Network - West Bank / Palestine

416- The National Authority for Palestinian Civil Institutions - West Bank / Palestine

417. Central and National Islamic Forces Committee - West Bank / Palestine

418-The General Union of Voluntary Societies - West Bank / Palestine

419- We Can - Mauritania

420- The National and National Labor Authority in Jerusalem-



Arab personalities from different countries as mentioned:

الشخصيات الاعتبارية العربية من قياديين وممثلين  أحزاب و جمعيات ومؤسسات من مختلف الأقطار العربية

421- Ali Faisal, member of the General Secretariat of the Arab Parties Conference

422- Marwan Abdel-Al / writer and novelist

423- Issa Qaraqa- The former deputy and minister of Palestinian prisoners

424- Ali Battoula, Secretary General of the Vanguard Party A- Morocco

425- Fares Saad: President of the Syrian National Social Party

426- The Lebanese Association for Confronting Normalization - The General Coordinator, Lawyer, Fouad Matar

427- Ibrahim Mahmoud Zain Al-Din, President of Bushra Development Association .. Beirut Al-Hadd

428- Ahmed Ghoneim / The Palestinian People Party

429- Secretary of the Palestinian Arab Front in Lebanon and member of the Palestinian Central Council, Major General Muhyiddin Ka`ouch

430 - Abdullah Mohammed Al-Rai, media and political - Yemen

431- Hassan Amara, member of the Political Bureau of the Kifah Movement, Kafrkana, Palestine 48

432- Maan Bashour, coordinator of the high campaign for Palestine and the nation’s issues

433-Nasser Hammad, a Palestinian journalist and writer

434- Khalil Barakat, head of the Bar Association in the Popular Committees and Associations - Lebanon

435- Deeb Hijazi, Editor-in-Chief of the e-communication platform, Lebanon

436 - Faisal Darnika, President of the Arab National Forum in North Lebanon ... Chairman of the North Symposium in Tripoli

437- Dr. Hani Suleiman is a member of the Secretariat of the National Arab Conference

438 - Abdullah Abdul Hamid, coordinator of the activities of the Arab National Forum in Lebanon

439- Maamoun Macahel, President of the Al-Hoda Youth Association ... Coordinator of activities of the Committees and Popular Associations in Lebanon

440- Rehab Mukhal, General Manager of the Arab International Center for Communication and Solidarity

441- Nabil Hallaq, Coordinator of International Relations at the Arab International Forum for Justice for Palestine

442- Muhammad Al-Abdullah / Palestinian writer and politician / Palestine - Syria

443-d. Issam Al-Saadi / politician, researcher and poet / Jordan

444- Elia Murad / publisher and writer / Syria

445-d. Reem Mansour Al-Atrash / Writer and translator / Syria

446-Nasser Saad, Fatah movement representative of the civil campaign

447- Ayoub Al-Ghurab, member of the Central Committee of the Palestinian People’s Party

448- Khaldat Hussain, Al Tadamun Institution

449- Laila Al-Ali / Al-Najdah Foundation

450-Youssef Ahmed, secretary of the Palestinian Democratic Youth Union

451- Arkan Badr is a member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

452- Adnan Yousef, member of the National Council and member of the political leadership of the Liberation Organization in Lebanon

453-Salah Al-Youssef, Secretary of the Palestine Liberation Front in Lebanon, and a member of the political leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization

454- Lawyer Omar Al-Zein, former Secretary General of the Arab Lawyers Union

455- Majda Abdullah Abu Hashem, a female activity

456- Mona Waked, Secretary of the Women's Union in Tripoli

457 - Engineer Omar Faris, a Palestinian activist. Poland

458-Sheikh Abdullah Al-Saleh, Deputy Secretary General of the Islamic Action Association "Amal" - Bahrain

459- Dr. Ahmed Alwan, head of the Wafa Party in Lebanon

460- Ibrahim Mohd Hammad / Palestinian effectiveness

461-Bassima Shehab. She is active in social work

462-Ali Nasser, translator - Palestine

463-Minister Nicolas Tueni, Palestine from Syria

464- Adly Al-Khatib; / Abu Fakher / Assistant Secretary of the Fatah Intifada Movement

465- Lawyer Dr. Abdel Karim Shbeir Lawyer and Defense of the Rights of Prisoners, Detainees and Hostages, Occupation Prisons - Palestine

466- Lydia Kanaan is an international artist and human rights activist / Lebanon

467- The Arab National Congress, Secretary-General Dr. Majdi Al-Maasrawi

468 - Director of the Jerusalem Foundation, Dr. Yassin Hammoud

469-Yahya al-Muallem, coordinator of the National Committee for the Defense of Prisoners in Israeli prisons

470-The Arab Democratic Party / Mahdi Mustafa .. Deputy Secretary-General for Political Relations

471- Association of Workers ... Hussein Atwi

472-The People's Democratic Party / Muhammad Hashisho

473-President of the Nasserite National Organization, Darwish Murad

474- Sheikh Ghazi Hanina / member of the leadership of the Islamic Action Front, Lebanon

 475- Raed Al-Sayegh, head of the Lebanese Reform Movement

476- The independent Nasserite movement, the Almoravids, Fouad Hassan, deputy secretary of the leadership committee

477- President of the Political Union of Beirut, Khalil Deeb

478- Salim Thabet / Lebanese Arab Struggle Movement

479 - Misbah Al-Agha / the National Party

480-Fayez Thuraya, the Arab Socialist Baath Party in Lebanon

481- Esmat Al-Aridi / Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Unity Party

482-Nayef Diab / the Arab Socialist Party / head of the Political Bureau

483- Dr. Ahmad Qais. People's movement. Member of the Political Bureau

484-Ibrahim Farho, the Lebanese Kurdish Razkari party

485-d. Zuhair Al-Khatib / Lebanese Al-Jana Front

486-Arab Socialist Baath Party in Lebanon/

Member of the Regional Command Mohammed Shaker Al-Kawas

487-Fouad Bakdash / Arab Socialist Union - the Nazareth organization

488-Ibrahim Farho, general coordinator of the Lebanese Kurdish Razkari party

489- Qassem Saleh: Member of the Supreme Council of the Syrian National Social Party

490- Dr. Mahmoud Al-Ali / Coordinator of the Refugee Rights Center - Returnees

491-Qassem Saleh: Secretary General of the General Conference of Arab Parties

492- Salim Thabet - The Lebanese Arab Struggle Movement

493-Atallah Hammoud, deputy responsible for Palestinian relations in Hezbollah, the founder of the Lebanese Prisoners' Association, and those freed from Israeli prisons.

494-Nazim Suleiman - Stuttgart

495- Nariman Assaf

496-Adnan Al-Burji

497-Hisham Khartabil - Lebanon

498-Deeb Hijazi

499-Hisham Mustafa Sakhnini - Palestine Liberation Front

500-Razan Azitar

501-Hala Salama

502-Suleiman Hassan Hajjaj - Fida and Nasser Hassoun - the Fida Party

503-Abu Muhammad Ismail - Arab Liberation Front

504-Sami Shaheen - Canada

505-Abdullah Bu Hassan - Bahrain

506-Mahmoud Al-Ali - Lebanon

507-Hassan Hardan

508- Fadia Nazzal

509-Bassam Al-Kuwaisi

510-Yassin Mahmoud

511- Mohsen Al-Balti - France

512-Suleiman Qeblawi - Opening the uprising

513-Mohammed Kayed - Czech

514-Ahmed Darraj

515- Tawfiq Belaid - Tunisia

516-Mubarak Suleimani

517-Nasser Haider

518- Bassam Daw - Lebanese writer

519-Sami Sarhan

520- Bassam Al-Qadi

521- The journalist / Sri Arafat Al-Kidwa, General Manager of the Palestinian newspaper Al-Sabah

522- The journalist Mohamed Zureid, the general manager of Al-Hayat Press

523- Mohsen Abu Ramadan - writer and analyst for political and development affairs

524- Dr. Ibrahim Doghmash, President of the Palestinian Community in Bulgaria

525-d. Mustafa Youssef Al-Lidawi, Public Relations Coordinator at the International Union of Resistance Scholars

526-Khaled Ezzeddine - Official of the Prisoner's Voice File in the Algerian media

527-Umm Zia Al-Falouji (Al-Agha) - Mother of the Prisoner (Zia), Dean of the Prisoners of the Gaza Strip, who has been detained for 28 years in the occupation prisons

528-Karim Ibrahim Farho, general coordinator of the Lebanese Kurdish Razkari party

529-Khalil Deeb Al-Ittihad Al-Beirutouti

530-Ali Abdullah is a lawyer and human rights lawyer from Amal

531-Lawyer Kamal Hadid, Lebanese Popular Congress

532- Ibrahim Raza

533 - Writer and writer Khaled Abu Khaled - Syria

114- Khalil Muhammad Khalil al-Halabi - Mukhtar al-Majdal and father of the captive Muhammad al-Halabi

535- The released prisoner, Sheikh Adnan Khidr

536- Khaled Saif - Asherin / Germany

537- Mahmoud Al Dokhi, General Coordinator of the Palestinian Working Group in Southern Sweden

538- Waseem Nasser Abdul Majeed Saleh

539- Hamad Aloudi (PNC)

540- Suleiman Shamali, Member of the National Assembly

541- Ali Mahmoud Ali, member of the General Secretariat of the Federation of Palestinian Trade Unions

542- Rana Al-Shobaki, son of the sheikh of the prisoners, Fouad Al-Shobaki

543- Ibtisam Abu Salem is a member of an administrative body in the Women’s Union in Lebanon

544- Othman Gad, Vice-President of the Engineers Union in Lebanon

545- Nabil Fares is a member of an administrative body in the Engineers Union

546- Suhail Al-Natour is a member of the administrative board of the Palestinian Jurists Union in Lebanon

547- Qasim Ayna - Director of the Al-Samoud Children Foundation

548- Walid El Abbasi, leader of the Popular Current Party, Tunis

549-Ali Fakhro / Bahrain

550- Muhammad Humaidan Ibrahim, head of the Syrian community in Bulgaria

551. The Democratic Approach / Morocco is the deputy general secretary of the assembly

552. The Tunisian Workers' Party (Murtada El Obeidi, member of the party's central committee)

553- The activist Leila Khaled - Lebanon

554- Khaled Al-Yamani – Lebanon

555- Um Samer Al-Issawi - Jerusalem / Palestine

556- Hani Zuhair Musabeh - Prisoners Coordination Committee / Gaza Strip - Palestine

557- Walid Badr - United States of America










المصدر: وكالة قدس نت للأنباء - غزة